All copies of San, Ni, Ichi have been shipped! You should be the proud owner of our very first published game... thanks!
For those that were not part of the Kickstarter and didn't preorder we still have plenty of copies for sale, click here to order your copy today.
Please let us know what you think and share your photos over at Board Game Geek:
This March we're planning something interesting for our social media friends. Each day in March we'll post a matchup of everyone's favorite board games and video games to determine which is the best game of ALL TIME!
The bracket is split into two divisions: Video Games and Board Games.
The winner in each division will be pitted against each other in a final battle to determine THE BEST GAME EVER! Seeds were based on rankings from Board Game Geek and Metacritic (ugh).
Tomorrow we'll start the tournament with the first matchups in each division. Get those voting finger ready!
Look at this tasty pallet of games that we received from halfway around the world! Right now we are shipping all Kickstarter $15 pledge rewards. So if you're a backer you should have your game in a week or so (depending on your location). The game looks great and we are ecstatic about getting this out into the world.
Missed out on the Kickstarter? Grab the game here:
Our new podcast has officially dropped! Boards & Bytes will be Ironmark's official podcast where we'll talk about ALL THE GAMES. As the title suggests we'll be talking about board games AND video games, and frankly, anything else we can think of. Send us questions and show ideas at and on Twitter!
If you like listening to a bunch of nerds talk about that kind of thing subscribe now at New episodes release every Monday.
Join us this weekend for Playtest Saturday! Every week we get together with friends and play as many games as possible. We will now also be devoting the last Saturday of each month to play-testing new and upcoming games. These are games in various stages of development (anywhere from initial concepts and ideas to pre-final versions) and need some human interaction. We'll be showcasing board games that will be up on Kickstarter this year as well as prototypes for future Megagames! If you are interested, or just want to hang out with us (we don't blame you) RSVP on Meetup. We’ll see you there!
We are very excited to announce our first foray into the wonderful world of Megagaming with our very own interactive experience, Contact Light. Based in a unique sci-fi setting, this game will charge teams of players with the task of saving their species by finding a new planet to call home.
In Contact Light you will take on the role of a major figure in one of the Great Houses of Humanity as it searches for a new planet where humans may thrive. Each role will be important in the survival of the human race, but not everyone will be interested in the success of your House.
Some players will dangerously traverse the Unexplored Galaxy to find a new planet to call home. Others will be working on the capital planet, Genesis, to organize humanity's greatest exodus. You'll negotiate, scheme and plot with 50 other players to ensure the survival of the human race.
The event will be held on November 7th at the First Presbyterian Church in Smithtown. Tickets go on sale August 18th!
What Is A Megagame?
Megagames are real-life board games on a massive scale. More than 50 players will form teams to play out an in-depth, immersive game in an all-day event. Each person will take on an individual role crucial to the success of his or her team. Every decision matters.
Players also get the chance to affect the story of the game with their own ideas and clever solutions. Game Masters, called Control, help players shape the game with their ideas so that each game is a unique experience every time.
Need more info on Megagaming and Contact Light? Check out our shiny new page complete with event details and very attractive FAQ section.
San, Ni, Ichi has funded successfully on Kickstarter and these are exciting times! This is a brand new endeavor for us and we are so happy that everyone is along for the ride. As our first foray into the world of game creation we are thrilled to share this adventure with you.
A heartfelt thank you goes out to all of you from us at Ironmark Games. You got your friends & family to check out the Kickstarter, stayed up with us while we played the game on twitch until 4am and, most importantly, believed that we would make it to the end. And for that we are grateful!
Backers should already have their digital content and Print & Play files in their inboxes. We'll keep you updated here and on Kickstarter as we get through the next steps towards actually producing the game. For now have fun with the awesome digital goodies.
Thank you again!
Our Kickstarter funding campaign for San, Ni, Ichi! is only a few short weeks away. To help celebrate we are hosting another giant day of gaming, similar to what we did for Tabletop Day back in April.
First, the when and where:
Saturday, June 27, 2015
3pm – 10pm (Doors open at 11am, so feel free to come early!)
First Presbyterian Church of Smithtown
175 East Main St.
Smithtown, NY 11787
The event will feature a FREE San, Ni, Ichi tournament with awesome prizes and giveaways. The last one we had was a blast, and this time we want to go bigger and better. We've adjusted the structure of the tournament as well — we devised a system similar to a Swiss tournament where players will be matched based on ranking and rank will be based on performance in each round.
The tournament will begin at 5:30pm, so come ready to do some serious ninja battling.
If you've never played San, Ni, Ichi, no worries! We will be there early to teach the game and play practice rounds, so come early and get to know us and make new friends (and enemies!).
We will also be trying to reach a certain funding level on that day during the event. We have some super awesome exclusive and secret giveaways if we do, so be prepared to have your minds entirely and completely blown away. (I recommend wearing a hat, it will keep your brain pieces intact).
And finally, while the day will mostly be dedicated to the launch of our new game, there will absolutely be plenty of other gaming. If you’ve never heard of San, Ni, Ichi! we encourage you to come anyway, bring your games, your friends, your animals, and have a great time!
As always, if you have any questions or comments please don't hesitate to contact us at

It's time to celebrate our favorite made-up holiday, International Tabletop Day! This year we decided to do something outside the usual and host a much larger event open to the public. First, the when and where:
Saturday, April 11, 2015
11am – 9pm
First Presbyterian Church of Smithtown
175 East Main St.
Smithtown, NY 11787
The event is in the Parish Hall of the church — we'll have trails of signs running from every entrance, so just follow those when you get inside.
The bulk of the day will of course be dedicated to copious amounts of board gaming. On top of that we also have a few other things scheduled for anyone who wants to participate.
First and foremost we are holding a San Ni Ichi tournament to show off and promote the game. It'll be at 3pm, and players will be divided into pods of 5-6 players, each of which will then play several rounds. Scoring will be done using the in-game mechanics and prizes will be awarded to the players with the best score.
We will also have a playtest of Stefan's megagame, which benefits from having a large group like this. It will be held at at different times throughout the day and we ask that those interested sign up here to aid in planning.
And finally, there will be two other prototypes (one early, one polished) being playtested throughout the day — Project Dragonride and Project Academy.
Regarding food: we will be providing both snacks and homemade food, and everyone is encouraged to contribute in this regard. There are also a number of food places within walking distance as well as plenty of options for delivery.
As always, if you have any questions or comments please don't hesitate to contact us at
Ironmark Games is proud to announce the launch of its premier game, San, Ni, Ichi by Michael "Seddyducati". It is a light and quick card game that pits you against your opponents in a strategic battle for ultimate ninja mastery.
The game was designed to create a fun and strategic experience for a larger number of players in a small amount of time. Due to its small size and relatively simple production it was also the perfect fit for a first project, something that we could crowdfund, print, and ship without the added complexity of having large amounts of components. A small project like this also allowed us a low target budget, which is key since our exposure is limited due to just starting out.
We are looking to run our Kickstarter campaign for San, Ni, Ichi in June of this year. Please check back here for the most up-to-date info about the game's progress, or if you prefer, sign up for our newsletter using the form below to have the latest news delivered straight to your inbox.
And as always, if you have any questions, thoughts, opinions, criticisms, or anything else please don't hesitate to contact us.
Well, not really, since there aren't any actual doors to open. We DO have a sweet new website however, which we'll tell you more about in a second.
First, a word about who we are. We are a group of gamers that has been running a weekly board game group on Long Island since around 2008, starting with just a few people and growing to over twenty. Recently, a few of us discovered that we each had independently started working on our own game concepts, and the natural outcome was to band together and pool our efforts. Among the five team members of Ironmark Games we have a number of complementary skill sets relevant to board game development, and working as a group allows us to be much more effective than if we were to go about it alone (not to mention the very real sense of motivation that comes with creating something as a team).
We have big plans in store as far as game development is concerned. Each of the three developers on the team has several projects in various stages of design and prototyping, so there is no shortage of ideas. We decided to kick things off with the smallest and simplest project we possibly could in order to learn the ropes of the entire idea-to-product process without being distracted by the complexities (and monetary requirements) of bigger games. The idea is for each project to be a little bigger than the last, until we get to a point where we are able to make anything that we dream up a reality.
The website you see here is the very first bare-bones version, designed to have just the necessities to get things rolling. In the future we plan to expand it quite significantly by adding not just a lot more information about future projects but also a fully featured blog where we can share development stories and provide an insight into our process. The end goal is for this website to be a very useful resource to the board game development community as a whole, and not just a platform to promote our own products.
In the meantime feel free to sign up for our newsletter using the form at the bottom of the page. We would also be very happy to hear from you, so don't hesitate to drop us a line at We will read everything we receive, we promise. Sometimes more than once.